Sunday, October 19, 2008

To passion and the nurturing thereof ....

To a man that changed what we know as a this

If you have read the above link, then writing anything else is wasted energy, but for kicks I'll throw some quotes that have inspired the way I look at and/or approach coffee and the passion that I have and am ever developing.....

A question posed to the late Dr. Ernesto Illy
"How do you make the perfect espresso?"
Dr. Illy -"Why, it takes love, of course."

"There is no mystery to cupping, only endless intrigue."
-Geoff Watts

"Coffee is a love must love what you do, the espresso that you serve or the cappuccino that you serve must be perfect, the foam of your cappuccino must be perfect....the most important thing to remember is, the customer will not return because the ambiance is elegant or beautiful, they will come back in more and more and bigger numbers if the content of the cup is perfect. if you have no complaints it is not enough. Look at the faces, look in the eyes of your consumer, look to their smiles; if they smile they will come back...."
-Dr. Ernesto Illy

Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with.
-Drew Sirtors

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